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The "Laboratoire de Chrono-Ecologie" at Besançon uses a standardization method called "corridor method". For some technical details on this method, see Lambert et al. (2005), p. 245-247, Larsson (unpublished) and - probably, but I've not read it - Lambert (2006).
This standardization method can lead to have tree-rings indexes both negative and positive. A consequence of this is that no avaiable dendro program can use this type of data for analysis,[1] neither those that can deal with several types of dendro formats.[2]
Anyway, if values are shifted so they are all above zero, they can be crossdated as if they were "pure" tree-rings widths.
Once transformed, I suppose they cannot be used for dendroclimatic analysis, but they still are useful for dendroarchaeological purposes.
This program offsets above zero all the values in a collection of "standardized Besançon series (or curves)", so it can be used as reference curve.
For what I know, actually there is only one chronology freely avaiable whose data are published in that format, and it's called "HistoricOaks-20050126".[3]
It is formed by "low altitude oaks" (below 500 m a.s.l.) from France and it is published in two diferent versions, maybe according to two variations of the standardization method.